The good news is: Germany starts to consider Africa as the G20 Africa Summit in Berlin proves. The bad news: German investors are still too slow and too ...
On 12 June 2017 / By Christian Hiller von GaertringenThe world is suffering from rising trade barriers. Leading entrepreneurs call for free trade at the G20 summit. Instead of old dogmas we need a balanced trade policy. ...
On 2 May 2017 / By Christian Hiller von Gaertringen88 Milliarden Euro Investitionen will die EU für Afrika mobilisieren. Endlich, meinen viele. Doch es kommt auf eines an: Europa darf sich nicht verzetteln. Investitionspläne und Projekte zur ...
On 22 September 2016 / By Christian Hiller von GaertringenIn 2016 many countries in Africa will hold elections for new parliaments or heads of state. Will they interfere with the positive economic outlook for the continent? ...
On 29 December 2015 / By Christian Hiller von GaertringenThe European Union (EU) badly needs a common visa and migration policy in order to give today’s refugees a perspective and in order to intensify trade and business ...
On 8 October 2015 / By Christian Hiller von GaertringenViele Katastrophen lösen weltweite Wellen an Mitgefühl und Solidarität. Nur Ebola nicht. Woher kommt es, dass die Epidemie, die in Westafrika begann, sich in großer Gleichgültigkeit ausbreitet? Von ...
On 20 October 2014 / By Christian Hiller von Gaertringen© 2020 Antigone Communications All rights reserved.